Am Amselberg 1, 99444 Blankenhain
+49 (0) 36454 56 555
Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
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In case there are sound protection or noise reduction requirements for sandwich panels normally panels with a mineral wool core (stone or glass wool) are used. Mineral wool has an open structure, the sound is much better insulated and absorbed then panels with a closed PUR foam core.

The proven sound insulation value Rw for our HIPERTEC and METFIBER-products is between 29-31 dB, for our products with perforated steel sheets these values are even higher (33-36 dB). In comparison, a sandwich panels with PUR-foam core has a customary proven sound insulation value Rw of ca. 25 dB.

HIPERTEC Sound as well as METFIBER Sound panels have perforated steel sheets on one side, but can be made with perforated sheets on both sides. If these panels are used as a separation wall between two halls the panel will improve the reverberation time in both halls. However the sound insulation will be rather low. To lower the sound pressure level in a room the perforated side should always be facing towards the noise source. Our panels could also be made with a perforated aluminium or perforated stainless steel sheet.