Am Amselberg 1, 99444 Blankenhain
+49 (0) 36454 56 555
Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
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acoustic absorption

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acoustic absorption

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acoustic absorption

Too much reverberation in a room

Good room acoustics are necessary for an undisturbed working environment. Too much reverberation leads to deterioration of perceivability and a generally higher noise level. Therefore, adequate sound absorption should already be considered in the planning stages for a new building. After completion or during running operation the application of sound absorption measures is very often the most expensive solution. 

With our acoustic sandwich panels sound absorption can be increased significantly within a room, thereby strongly reducing reverberation and sound pressure level. This may even render wearing obligatory hearing protection obsolete.  

With our specialized software we can simulate and plan the optimal alignment and positioning of sound-absorbing sandwich panels within your building.

Contact us! We are here to help you with the sound improvement of your projects!