Am Amselberg 1, 99444 Blankenhain
+49 (0) 36454 56 555
Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
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about us

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about us

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about us

In 1961 Metecno was founded under the name “Metallotecnica Italiana” a producer of conventional multi-layer wall-and roof systems. Back then, the common successive installation of an internal sheet, spacer, insulation layer and external sheet directly on the building showed major disadvantages regarding duration, cost and constant quality of this installation procedure. In 1965, after intense research for the development of a prefabricated insulated element, the world’s first fully automated continuous production line for sandwich panels created a completely new way to build. The massive success of this product led to increasing demand, therefore facilitating geographic expansion with new production lines, first in Europe succeeded by America and Asia.  

Profound expertise gathered over decades for thermal insulation, fire protection and sound insulation of sandwich panels led to specialization into certain fields of competence. As Metecno Sound division we have specialized in solutions for complex acoustic requirements.

Extensive testing and approvals at independent laboratories (notified bodies) as well as many years of experience in the field of acoustic solutions contribute to the realization of your individual requirements by implementing our products and to simulate and approve their suitability in the forefront.

Got any questions or need technical support? – feel free to contact us!


Ihre persönlichen Ansprechpartner

Andrew Koster  - Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
Andrew Koster
Sales Manager acoustics export
+31 683 706 436

Louis Pheulpin - Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
Louis Pheulpin
Metecno Sound France - Technico-Commercial
+33 769 470 685

Markus Bayha - Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
Markus Bayha
Sales manager acoustics - Germany-Austria-Switzerland
+49 7151 20609 80
+49 1638 203115

Michel Graeven - Metecno Bausysteme GmbH
Michel Graeven
Sales office acoustics
+32 4 387 88 25
+32 470 60 14 07
